Terms of Use

Terms of Use

As much as we all hate rules, copyright laws, intellectual property rights laws, etc., I have a few terms of use that I fully expect each and every person who so much as glances at these reviews follows.

No using any of these reviews, either in part or in whole, on any website, video, article, etc. for any reason, may be used without my express written consent. I work hard on these reviews, doing hours upon hours of research on these games. Should I catch any single part of these reviews, again, either in whole or in part, are on any website which hasn't gotten my permission and/or bribed me, then I shall bring down the proverbial Hand of God upon you, causing you immense amounts of pain or, barring me finding out about it, you being forced to play the absolute worst parts of Hydlide in Purgatory for the next 15,000 years.

If you are offended by anything that I have said or may have said on this website, then why in God's name are you still reading it? Seriously, folks, follow me on this one, when I see something on someone else's blog and I get offended, do you know what I do? I go out of my way to avoid that blogger and his or her content in the future!

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